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Welcome to Spring 2023

This bank of snowdrops was discovered on a local walk – there literally was not a space between the blooms, pure magic.

Welcome to Spring…

New Wall Art Designs…

Despite the wet, damp and cold weather of late, Spring has definitely arrived with the changing of the clocks and the start of lighter evenings. I’m catching glimpses of nature waking up in my garden although everything does seem to be a little later than last year don’t you think?

This Spring I have launched my newly designed pieces made especially for hanging in your home. For quite a while now I have been looking at different options for displaying my glass art successfully without using a frame. I have wanted to find a way of fixing the glass that enables the light to filter around the whole piece as this really does make such a difference to the intensity of the colours. I have finally settled on using glass standoff clamps that fix at the ends of my pieces which I then attach to wooden backing boards painted white. This means I can now experiment with larger pieces as the backing boards can be made to any size and the glass is still held securely and safely – really exciting moving forward.

I perhaps need to mention here that I am extremely lucky – my wonderful Husband, Pete makes all of my wooden stands, frames and boards for me. I don’t have to outsource my supply of frames and they are all made for a bespoke fit providing I keep the carpenter supplied with tea and cake!

My New Designs

I have been developing more of my flower designs for these new panels using various colour combinations and I can honestly say, each one becomes my favourite as it comes out of the kiln. I do love the blues and greens but then the splash of orange becomes a favourite too! The colours available to me are just amazing – I use Bullseye glass in these designs and it really doesn’t seem to matter which you use, all are just as beautiful as each other.

If you fancy having a go at glass fusing with me, this is exactly the same glass you will be using to create your pieces. Lots of help and advice is available during your workshop and I guarantee you will be able to make something really beautiful whether you are a first time glass fuser or more experienced. Please do take a look at my website page to see examples of makes from my workshops or contact me direct for more information or to book a session. Workshops can be help on any day, last two and a half to three hours on average and prices start from £45 per person. Refreshments and a lot of fun are included.

Out and About in Suffolk…

Easter is early this year falling on the 9th April and if you fancy a day out I can thoroughly recommend a trip to Woodbridge for a wonderful mixture of walks, independent shops, interesting buildings, river views and a touch of history.

By the Tide Mill is the Woodbridge Museum and a boat shed housing the most amazing reconstruction being built of the Saxon Burial Ship found at Sutton Hoo in the 1940’s. The boat is being built using exactly the same tools and methods of construction as the Anglo Saxons would have used and to exactly the same size and shape of the archaeological find.  Once finished, the ship will be launched and rowed along the river. Truly interesting and quite awe inspiring.

Fancy a Staycation?
Another Suffolk gem I can thoroughly recommend as a place to relax, unwind and explore is Southwold. If you’ve never visited, you’re missing a treat – colourful beach huts, a wonderful pier, art galleries, delicious foodie choices, independent shops, beautiful views, fish and chips…….
……and despite knowing all of this and visiting off and on for many years we have recently discovered a part of Southwold that we didn’t know before! Down by the old harbour and a short walk along is the Sole Bay Fish Company. Absolutely delicious fresh fish for sale or cooked and served in their restaurant or outside if the weather is nice and totally, totally, utterly fantastic. We chose a fish platter to share of  smoked mackerel, crayfish tails, whelks and hot poached salmon followed by sea bass. The best fish I have ever eaten in the most lovely setting, we will definitely  be returning soon 🙂

King Charles’ Coronation 6th May

Will you be celebrating the King’s coronation on the 6th May?

I’m sure as we get nearer to this historical event, bunting, flags and red, white and blue decorations will be seen everywhere.

At the request of a local lady, I have made a few coasters to celebrate this historic occasion. They feature the King’s official emblem on white glass and I hope you like them. Priced at £12 each they will be for sale at my fairs and stockists just for a short while xx

The Monthly Boxford Farmer’s and Craft Market has moved from Sundays to the last Saturday of the Month instead. Still held from 10am to 1pm the market is hoping to be held outside during the warmer weather that we hope is on its way. The April market will be on the 29th. Hope to see you there.

Make of the Month

I’m often asked if I get inspired by what people make in my workshops and I can honestly say I do – it really is so lovely to see the creations and designs made and every one feels like a true work of art. My make of the month this month has been chosen for all you lovers of something a little different. This piece was made using a technique called scraffito. The glass is coated in enamel, which once dry, is ‘scratched’ away to create the design. These watery reflections have been made on an iridescent blue glass and I think it looks stunning xx

If you fancy having a go using this technique please contact me to book a session xx

Wishing you a very happy Easter x See you next month xx

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