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Happy New Year 2023

Wishing You All A Very Happy New Year. With all My Best Wishes for An Amazing 2023.

I can’t quite believe that it’s a whole 12 months since I wrote my very first Blog and took tentative steps to get online. What an amazing 12 months it has been as I look back – new events, new stockists, workshop bookings and the launch of a new website just last month! A huge, heartfelt thank you for following my progress and supporting my business throughout and whether you have been with me from the beginning or have just recently discovered my fused glass goodies, I’d like to wish you all a very Happy New Year with all my big hugs for a wonderful 2023.

New Year is traditionally a time for making New Year Resolutions, a time to take stock and make changes. The World does seem to be a tough place at the moment with so many challenges and situations facing everyone. Looking forward, I am determined to investigate sourcing eco packaging for my glass pieces this year. I already use recycled boxes and eco packing chips to send pieces to my customers and suppliers but because of the fragile nature of my products I have, up until now, been fairly reliant on plastic bubble wrap. I have recently discovered a recycled paper alternative to bubble wrap and will be investigating further how it measures up to keeping pieces safe in the post. Please do let me know if you have any experience or opinion on using these type of eco products as I really do want my packaging to be more sustainable and eco friendly if I possibly can xx

New Workshops for 2023

I am really excited to share that this year I am going to be offering glass mosaic workshops in addition to my fused glass workshops. Using a specialist mosaic product, heat gun and grout, wonderful glass mosaics can be created in a day and mean you can take away your finished piece on the day you make it. It’s a new technique I have been wanting to try for ages and I am really excited to share the process with you.

You can book a mosaic workshop just as you do a fused glass workshop – by contacting me direct or by email through my website. Pick a day that suits you and I’ll confirm your booking.

Mosaic workshops start at 10.30 and finish at 4.30pm with a delicious lunch included at a local café. All tuition, refreshments and framing is included in the cost. You are very welcome to book for just yourself or with some friends upto a maximum of 4 people.

Whole Day Mosaic Workshop Cost: £110 per person.

Breaking News…

I’m delighted to share with you that I have been invited to exhibit my work at RHS Hyde Hall in August this year. From the 2nd to the 6th August, RHS Hyde Hall, near Chelmsford in Essex are hosting their annual Flower Show. Spectacular displays of flowers, plant advice, gardening tips and ideas together with a craft marquee hosted by Craft in Focus to promote handmade artisan pieces and craftspeople. I’m still pinching myself that one of those people will be me!

I’ve already started planning and will be working on several large panels and garden pieces ready for the event.

If you fancy a really lovely day out later in the year and love all things plants and garden, pop the dates into your diary and check out the RHS website for ticket information nearer the time xx



If you’re looking for a really friendly village store where you can find locally sourced bread, meat, honey, cakes, fruit, vegetables and a whole range of fantastic produce, head over to Polstead Village Store. Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 4.30pm and on Saturdays until midday, the Village Shop is run and staffed completely by volunteers to serve the local community.

There’s always a warm welcome and it’s the perfect stopping off point for a coffee and cake if you’re out on a local walk – teas and coffees are available to have at the shop or to takeaway. The Village post office is also here, open until 1pm on weekdays.

The shop stocks a variety of locally made souvenirs and crafts including some of my glasswork, beautiful pottery from a local potter, cards, candles from The Suffolk Candle Company and goodies which celebrate the village of Polstead itself. The perfect place to pick up a gift and something for dinner all in one place!

Find them on instagram @polsteadcommunityshop

News From The Studio Hound

Hugo has had a play date!

Who would have thought that at 13 years old, Hugo would still have the patience to cope with a much younger dog but he did us proud. Meet Pablo, an absolutely adorable pup belonging to our neighbour. Pablo seems to have taken a shine to Hugo – not surprising really as Hugo has been teaching him all his naughty tricks such as how to bounce on the bed, how to snaffle extra treats with just a look and how cheese and crisps are just totally delicious!

Makes of the Month

I absolutely love seeing what you make in the workshop sessions xx Sharing ideas and creating designs is just so inspiring for me too and the makes, this month again, demonstrate how absolutely amazing you all are…

Bookings for January and February are filling up so if you have an occasion or date in mind, please give me a call or email to book in and receive all the information needed.

Latest workshop makes include these lovely glassy goodies…

Events this Month

January is traditionally a very quiet month for events but behind the scenes, lots of work is going into booking shows, exhibitions and markets later in the year. I am really excited to be applying for some old favourites and some totally new events and will keep you up to date with where you can find me in person as soon as I receive confirmation.

All the events I will be attending are also listed on my website on the ‘Events’ page.

Please do contact me if you require any information or details for workshop bookings, to buy direct or to find out about commissions.

Happy January and I’ll look forward to chatting again next month,

Veronica xx

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